
It's A New Day, But Be Damned If I Care.

Oh, what a month it's been! I lost my old internet account to the technological ether, but I've managed to summon another one to do my bidding. Unfortunately, I sign back on here and find out they've revamped the whole bloody shebang! And because of this, I can't sign on to my old... uh... blog. Yeah, I know, blog is a widely accepted term, and millions of people have no problem tossing it around everyday, but it still seems pretty damn ridiculous to me. Blog. Sounds like my cat barfing. Well, now that I'm done disrespecting one of the revered cornerstones of online life, I'll continue by venting about this shitty service! My god, you'd think they treat their customers better than that! I pay good money... oh wait, no I don't. I'll be quiet now. Praise Blogger! Praise Blog*Spot! The champions of the free-loading ingrate!

If you're at all interested in reading my stilted ramblings from before, click here. It looks and reads like crap, frankly, which is why I've decided to start fresh with a new one instead of complaining to customer service. The plethora of new design options just sweetened the deal. I've been creating posts during the last week, and I'll put them up shortly. But because of the way the posts'll be ordered, you probably knew that already.