
Jesus Never Saved A Robot

First thing firsts: I need to address the fact that new comments being added lately simply aren't showing up on the page. At least on my system, anyway. But don't worry; any comments being added are automatically forwarded to my inbox so I'm still receiving them. They just aren't available for the masses to read. I don't know what the hell's going on with Blogger/Blog*Spot lately; there seems to be something brilliant happening every day here. Check here to get status updates.

So, I'll just take a moment to address what was written in these comments. Big thanks to Brodieclerk for once again reminding me that there's situations ten times worse than I've got going on here. Thank you Ross, it always brings cheer and joy to my heart when people recognize that I'm a barking loony. I also thank you for the c-store empathy. Clerks unite!!! And to the enigmatic fellow/lass known simply as G, I must concur that Chopping Block is one kick-ass webcomic.

I suppose I should give an update on my kicking the habit. Am I still going strong? Well, yes and no. After my Tuesday shift turned out to be the worst possible time ever to have discontinued my intake of nicotine (and tar and CO and so forth) I realized with a heavy heart that I'm simply not going to be able to go without my precious cigarettes at work. Not right off the bat, anyway. So, I gave in and bought a pack today. Which should be sort of clear to you, seeing as I'm not typing out bizarre messages involving meat products. But don't worry, I'm not totally off the wagon yet; I'm keeping them at work. It turns out when I'm at home the urge to smoke doesn't hit me as hard so I can pretty much go without. However, as Tuesday night proved, if I don't have a suitable Nicotine Delivery System on the job I'll start to stare down the customers. So I'm going to have one every hour and a half for this week, then tack on an extra fifteen minutes next week, and henceforth until I don't need the damn things while I'm working anymore. The only problem with this system is when I go out on the town, because that's the other time I smoke like a chimney. Oy, we'll see...

But I'm starting to get sleepy. So until next time, keep your feet on the ground but your eye on the sky!