The Waiting is the Hardest Part
This is sad. I've only made two posts over the past nine days. You might think that this is due to an epiphany I had while splashing about in the cool water of the Shuswaps. You might think I've finally realized that my blog should be about my life, and not the other way around. But you might also think that Canadian Idol is worthwhile entertainment, so let's not put too much emphasis on what you think. No, I just... well, I just haven't gotten around to it. You see, I've been meaning to write about what I did on my little vacation last week. But every time I go to do it, I keep getting interuppted; it being the weekend and all. What's really annoying is that it's the slow kind of busy; there's always somebody in the store and they always take at least ten minutes to make up their mind. But I'll be getting the last laugh. When it's winter and everybody's under six feet of snow, they'll realize they spent their valuable summer months sitting around and eating candy. Hah!
I did manage to gussy up the ol' link list a bit. You might notice a few new ones. The hyperbolic adjectives have been lost, and they've been replaced by quotes lifted from everybody's blogs. 'Tis a much better representation of what to expect, if you take the risk of clicking on their names. Funnily enough, when you consider the amount of work put into it, it took me almost FIVE WHOLE HOURS over the course of TWO DAYS to complete. I should say that I did it while I was on shift, before you think I'm the blogging equivalent of Brick Tamland. All in all, that should give you an accurate picture of what my weekend at work's been like. Blargh...
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