

Yessiree, that's a brand spankin' shiny and new link list on the sidebar. You best go on and look at it a moment 'fore I continue.


I'm always trying to think of new and exciting things for my blog, and while I was in the middle of an ol' ponderin' session, I was hit with inspiration. Nobody discusses their blogroll! Maybe that's what I should do! Hoo boy, that was a humdinger of an idea. After all, why shouldn't I acquaint my new readers with that cast of crazies? They ARE there for a reason. And hey, I'm sure the linkees wouldn't mind the publicity.

Okay, yeah; I was bored. So sue me.

Steve Smith - You know who this guy is. If you don't, then what's your problem? Why are you even here? Acquaint yourself immediately, before I die of shock at your pig ignorance.

Heather Wallace - When I first started this thing, my Journals of Note section was rather sparse. So, I figured that anybody nice enough to leave a few comments was deserving enough to earn a spot. She was the first person to meet those requirements. I don't know too much about her besides her love of CPAC, but she was kind enough to recommend an excellent book to me, so she gets to stay on the list. Not that she gives a flying fuck.

Sports Ross - Hmmm. This guy's an enigma; I think he likes movies or something. Not entirely sure.

Brodieclerk - The third person to be ensnared by the "leave comments, get added" rule. But I was rather surprised to see he reciprocated almost immediately. Intrigued, I added him to my Messenger list and found out that he was an awesome guy to talk to. So cheers, Brodieclerk; keep defying that taco and adding to your Evil Empire!

Nicholas Tam - And another comment leaver bites the dust. But his site is excellent regardless, and you're missing out if you don't read it. He always manages to write convincing, intelligent, and highly entertaining posts. Really, he could write about the virtues of sticking your penis in a meat slicer and I would wholeheartedly believe him.

Dane Lutz - Hey, I'm a contributer to that blog, so why wouldn't I add him?

Jermey Kerklaan - A friend of mine since I was but a wee lad. I told him I'd shoot him if he didn't make a blog, so I'd be a big giant ass if I didn't give him a link.

Uncle John - His name is John. He's my uncle. Need I say more?

Janet Lo - Well, she met the requirements before Nicholas Tam did, but for some odd reason I kept putting off the adding of her to my list. But she's on there now, so hopefully that makes up for it. My apologies, Miss/Ms./Mrs. Lo...

Krista Watson - Now, she's never left a comment here. But I was rather amused by the 100 comments for her 100th post thing, which I thought was a great idea. And when combined with her almost painful coolness, it's reason enough to give her some props.

Points of Information - An excellent site populated by people who would punch me in the face if they ever met me in real life.