
Adding One Half to Seven Squared

Notice to anybody who regularly reads this space:
If you're wondering why I haven't updated for the past few days, it's because I'm working on a super peachy keen project. And it can't be entirely chalked up to procrastination, either. I'm waiting for SOMEBODY to get back in touch with me so I can get it finished. I should make that multiple somebodys actually, because there's more than one. So please guys, can you stop having wild monkey sex and/or injecting heroin into your eyeball for ten whole seconds and write me back? Thank you.
Now, back to the old post...
Oh, what a beautiful day! Yessiree, I don't mind the mugginess one bit! Full exposure to a burning star? Oh, no problem; no problem at all!


Adventures In Messaging

If you've been paying attention, you'll no doubt remember my announcement concerning my triumphant return to MSN Messenger. And some of you have even added me to your lists. Mwah! Anyway, in that post I mentioned that some Rocky kids decided to add me. Because of the deep wells of generosity i carry, I reciprocated. Last night, one of them messaged me asking who the hell I was. I told her, of course. She said she didn't remember adding me in the first place and insinuated I was a creepy pervert for adding her. I tried to state the case that I was simply reciprocating, but I guess no matter how you slice it, it looks pretty seamy for a 24 year old guy to add a seventeen year old girl to his list, reciprocation or not. So I ended the conversation before she could keep on the path of accusing me of being a deranged sex offender. How the hell do I keep ending up with that sterotype?

In another recent conversation, the person I was chatting with announced that they were "nominally diurnal" and it was time for them to hit the sack. And in the folly of my youth, I took it to mean they had two urethras. Which is typically something you don't admit in casual conversation. But, it turns out diurnal means "belonging to the day" and not some bizarre birth defect. Heh, don't say much for my vocabulary.