
Welcome to the Xander Zone

So I'm down to using that as a title. That's not a very good sign.

I was watching CPAC last night, and they were having a discussion on the North American Relationship. As is typical it turned to the subject of the U.N. and whether or not Canada should side with it instead of the U.S. The fellow who was speaking, who I believe was from the Southern Methodist College in the States(!), brought up the point that the U.N. was LITERALLY where the world goes to discuss its problems. So... as opposed to figuratively? Goddamnit, I always thought that it was a complicated metaphor for baloney and cheese! Next time, Methodist; next time!

Who am I kidding? Who am I fooling? When they be like, "What's Up Joel?" And I say, "Cooling."

Oh, and then we had the guy who said unilateral around thirty times in the span of three seconds. What a foreign policy stud. Ariel Sharon probably has a picture of this dude up on her bedroom wall and coos lovingly at it every night before she goes to sleep. Hey, whattya mean, she's a guy? Well, I still hold to my speculation.

Hmmm... It appears I've received a message from the House for the Actualization of Canadian Knaves - or HACK - issuing a cease-and-desist order in respect to my "half-assed political commentary". Or else they're going to "send a slobbering Paul Wells to remove my testicles with a paring knife". Okay. Well, everything seems to be in order here... have a good night, folks!